3 Ways to (En)lighten Up

June 12, 2017

Learn 3 ways to get in a better mood quickly while still healing the root cause. Also, learn how this can help you get closer to enlightenment!Desperate to Lighten Up 

OK, so I seriously need some laughs after the last few days.  I am dealing with some hormonal issues, (no, I am not pregnant…that I know of?), and have gone through a rollercoaster of emotions.  I wish I could blame my irritability and crying spells on just my PMS, but let’s get real here—sometimes we hold onto our emotions for weeks and eventually they have to come out.

In fact, women actually benefit from getting hormonal once a month. Yes, I said benefit. Why? Well, because it forces us to look at our issues and what has been bothering us. And of course, it allows our emotions to be so overwhelming that it has to be released. As long as we can learn to do this in a healthy way, with no innocent by-standers—it’s all good. That way, we are less likely to keep all of our emotions and issues shoved down. This, energetically speaking, means we are less likely to create illness within ourselves. I say “energetically” because our negative thoughts and emotions create negative energy in our bodies and actually get stuck there. If held on for too long, this eventually results in sickness. Perhaps this monthly releasing is the reason women have a longer life expectancy? Hmm…. 

Although this release of emotions can be a good thing, we also have to keep in mind to not let it run our lives! Release it, let it go, and then for your own sake, move on to happier emotions and experiences. I know how hard it can be to do this, especially when you have reached a depth where it feels like you can get out.  Even still, we need to remember that we DID always end up on the other side. No matter how long it took.   

3 Ways to Lighten Up 

OK, so here are some ways that can help us get there even faster. I thought about writing simple things, such as; watch a good comedy or listen to pop music; however, those are obvious items you could come up with yourself. So, here are some ways, you may not have thought of: 

  1. Imagine you are on the screen: Have you ever watched an extremely dramatic show, (possibly with bad acting), that actually made you laugh? Well, I encourage you to look at yourself for a minute and imagine that it is a TV show. Removing yourself from the situation to try and see it from an outside perspective could not only bring more awareness to the situation, and therefore bring solutions to the possible problem, but can also probably give you a good laugh too. 
  2. Think of someone funny or hang out with them: Think back to one of your funniest friends or family members that made you laugh so hard you thought you were going to pee yourself. I guarantee it will make you smile. Better yet, call, text, message or even stalk them on Facebook, (I’m sure they have some funny posts). Ok, I am kidding about the last one, but seriously, see if they are available for a much-needed pick-me-up. I find talking to someone like this about the situation may seem counterproductive at first. Due to their non-serious nature, they are probably guaranteed to crack some jokes about it. But, if you call them with the intention of wanting to get a good belly laugh and release the stress, you’re less likely to be offended, and actually, be welcoming. I have noticed as well, that the first few hits may not seem to make a dent but before you know it, you are laughing along.  
  3. Connect with your inner child: I consider myself lucky because I have an adorable toddler that is so funny, I can’t help but smile in her presence (unless of course, she is having a “moment” too, ha!). And she is usually my go-to “funny” person I hang out with or think of. Although this is beneficial—because I get to play with her and her toys, sing silly songs, read cute books which can appeal to my inner child too—I am still in mom-mode. So when I say, connect with your inner-child, I really mean the part of you that is child-like in nature. This part also gets triggered by situations that tie into negative past experiences you have encountered as a child. In fact, this may be the whole reason you are on an emotional rollercoaster, to begin with. Children, especially very young ones, do not have the ability to process or control their emotions.  

There are many ways you can connect with your inner-child. In fact, therapists often use these methods to help heal the inner child and therefore heal you. However, for the purpose of this post, I will explain a simple and fun way. First, think of something that you loved to do when you were a child, preferably something creative (which gives an extra healing touch) and do it! Better yet, ask you inner-child what it wants to do that will also help heal and be fun at the same time. You can ask by writing the question on paper with your dominant writing hand. Then, answer with your non-dominant hand.  

Learn 3 ways to get in a better mood quickly while still healing the root cause. Also, learn how this can help you get closer to enlightenment!Why it helps Enlightenment 

I find sometimes spiritual institutions and/or people can take themselves too seriously. Following strict rules, while oppressing our inner-children and creative urges, is honestly the opposite of what we should be doing to get closer to enlightenment. One of our biggest obstacles is the stress we create in our minds. Learning to laugh at ourselves, having good clean fun (no addictive substance needed!) and realizing we are just humans doing the best we can, will lead to forgiveness of ourselves and others, and a lot more love. And isn’t love supposed to be the highest vibration? You know, the one we are trying to get to and why we are seeking towards enlightenment? Yes, I thought so. 🙂 

What are your favourite ways for en(lightening) up? Please let me know in the comments below! Or, check out our free products for more tools and techniques that will get you en(lightened) up!

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