What “Law of Attraction” Experts Don’t Tell You

February 16, 2017

Always wondered why Law of Attraction doesn't seem to work for you? I can help! Discover the main reason why it may not be happening for you.

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What They DO Tell You

The other day, I was tuning into a Personal Development webinar that had many “Law of Attraction” speakers featured. Confession: I have attended at least a dozen of these webinarsat one point, I’m pretty sure I was addicted. Normally, I would get super excited and be ready to jot down a hundred notes; however, I found myself tuning out and working on this site instead.

Don’t get me wrong, there were amazing speakers that had great advice, but I just was not getting out of it what I used to. I was finally at a different place where I didn’t need their advice. I still liked it, even though I have heard the same things many times before. In fact, it is always good to repeat great advice. They say this is so your brain keeps those positive re-programs in-check. The main purpose of listening to these webinars, podcasts, etc, is to get rid of your negative belief systems that are keeping you stuck, and implement positive ones.

Some of the most common techniques to help implement these positive beliefs, that Law of Attraction experts often discuss, are things like; affirmations, dream boards and envisioning exercises. These help create the necessary vibration and mindset in order to attract what you want in life. If you would like to know more about these exercises, please click here to read my post, “The Top 10 Law of Attraction Techniques for a Better Life.”

Because I know repetition of these techniques helps implement positive vibes, I thought, “Maybe the re-programming finally took! And that is why I don’t feel the need to listen any more.” And then I thought, “But how? What had I done differently?”

It could have been the dozens of times I heard the same positive material but then, wouldn’t I have only felt satisfied after the program? When it would have finally “took”? But right away I didn’t feel the need to listen.

So I took an inventory of my life over the last 6 months, and I DID do something differently. While it did involve repetition, it was so much more than that.

What They DON’T Tell You

Some may talk about writing down a commitment to yourself and making sure you look at your dream board, and/or do other positive tasks every day; however, they don’t tell you exactly how many times or what you should do before even trying these tasks.

Yes, I said BEFORE. There is something deep within you that has to shift and lift before these tasks will even help. Many times before I had tried doing the daily tasks for even months and nothing really changed. That is why many people may not believe in the Law of Attraction. But the funny thing (or not-so-funny thing), is that there is something HUGE they may be missing.

This thing that they are missing is HEALING. I say this because if you are already a happy person, with a healthy upbringing and not many bad things have happened to youfirst of all, I want to say congratulations because you are a raritythen this stuff WILL WORK.  Right away even, not months or years!

See, the thing about energy and your vibration is the older you get, the harder it can be to change, because your emotional, mental and physical conditioning is so well wired. This is why people say that old people are stuck in their ways. It is actually true for a lot them. I am not saying they can’t change their life for the better using these techniques, but depending on their willingness, it may be very difficult. Usually the energy it takes to change is simply not worth it for them; they are OK with where they are at. Even younger people often have to hit rock bottom before they make changes, so it is no wonder the older generations have a tough time.

OK, so back to the thing you have to do before implementing the law of attraction techniques. You have to make a commitment to HEAL. Every day you have to work on yourself. You have to use tools that will help you release negative emotions, let go of negative energy, and therefore free up space in your energy field to introduce these techniques. And, you can’t simply go to a counselling session once in a while or get a Reiki treatment once a year; you have to make a commitment every day!

Always wondered why Law of Attraction doesn't seem to work for you? I can help! Discover the main reason why it may not be happening for you.

How To Do It

In the last 6 months, I made this serious commitment to myself to do this. Every morning I meditate, even if it is only for 5 minutes. I also do a tuning exercise to help get my chakras healed and balanced using tuning forks such as these.  Additionally, I do some yoga to release negative energy and kick-start my body for optimal performance. For a while, I also did extra healing work (such as inner child work), almost every day. I was also looking at my dream board, doing a gratitude exercise and I tried to listen to an inspiring talk almost every day. My favourites right now are Sadhguru and Oprah’s Super Soul TV sessions and interviews.

All of this does take some time (anywhere from half hour to 2 hours). It may even be an all-day process if you have children that pause these activities, but it is sooo worth it! After a certain point, you can take what you feel is most valuable and narrow it down to a half-hour a day process (once the major areas of healing are almost complete). Although keep in mind, you may need to have intervention days where you go back to pure healing again.

As you may have noticed, I have taken some of these healing techniques and combined them with the law of attraction techniques. What can I say? I have a one-year-old, so I have to be efficient (or at least try! Ha!). In this busy world, you may have to do the same as well. Although looking back before I was able to make this commitment, I did a lot of crying, writing, etc. So, some serious pure healing happening did take place. Depending on the situation, you may need to do this as well, especially if you feel like you have hit rock bottom emotionally or otherwise. Just keep throwing in those positive techniques though because sometimes when we are healing we get sucked back into the negative energy.

Give yourself some much-needed breaks, such as; bubble baths, naps, watching an inspiring or funny movie, or hang out with some positive people. You want to still try to keep your spirits up in between healing because it is A LOT of work. I don’t want to lie and say it’s fun or something; I mean, more people would be doing it if it were, right? It takes a lot of energy, support of loved ones, and your attention to self-care. Drink lots of water, eat well, and take those breaks!

Once you get over the hill, I promise you will feel 100% better. You will feel lighter, have more energy and be motivated to take positive action. Finally, those Law of Attraction techniques will make sense and start working in your life. You will be on your glorious way.

If you would like more information about healing tools, Law of Attraction and other techniques to help create a better life for yourself, please subscribe to the newsletter. You deserve healing and you deserve happiness!

What do you find is missing from the Law of Attraction teachings? Please comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts!

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  • Reply Jon February 27, 2017 at 4:33 PM

    Great information! I really like the personal perspective!

    • Reply Sarah March 1, 2017 at 3:14 PM

      Thanks so much Jon! Glad you enjoyed!

  • Reply Moonsparkle (ZM) July 1, 2018 at 8:10 AM

    Hi, I just came across your post via Pinterest. What you say about healing first makes a lot of sense. I’ve been stuyding LOA for about 8 years and have tried techniques but haven’t managed to manifest “big” things, or made any lasting change for the better. I have anxiety, depression and OCD and have been working on healing myself, but feel bogged down by things a lot of the time.

    Thanks for sharing this, and your story. I’m going to look round the rest of your site. 🙂

    • Reply Sarah September 12, 2018 at 12:13 PM

      Thank you so much for your honesty and sharing! It sounds like you definitely have a lot to deal with. Healing is tough work but certainly worth it. Remember, having support in the healing is very crucial. If you haven’t already I would advise signing up to the newsletter. I have a free challenge coming soon that I think can help. In the meantime, here is the link to sign up and receive a free healing tool: http://www.riseaboveliving.com/121-2/ All the best and hope those dreams start manifesting for you soon!

  • Reply Jeff Peters July 31, 2018 at 6:20 AM

    You have hit the nail on the head with this. Healing. This is something many people are never taught, yet is crucial. Thank you for this. This is a huge piece to the puzzle. Looking forward for more.

    • Reply Sarah September 12, 2018 at 12:16 PM

      Thank you so much for your feedback- I am happy to hear this post was helpful!

  • Reply Amy September 3, 2018 at 8:22 PM

    This is a really great post! I love learning anything & everything I can about the Law of Attraction too! I have found that gratitude has worked wonders for me personally! When I started practicing gratitude my whole mindset shifted! I love your blog & have bookmarked it!!


    • Reply Sarah September 12, 2018 at 12:18 PM

      Thank you, Amy, for your kind words! I am so happy to hear you love the blog 🙂 Yes, gratitude is super important and helpful- I try to use it daily as well.

  • Reply Sarah September 29, 2018 at 10:08 AM

    Just found this post via Pinterest, I’m so glad I saw it, it makes perfect sense, I know I now need to do A LOT of healing and I’m going to give it a good try, if you have any link to podcasts or videos or guided meditations please could you share them? Thank you for sharing your story 💕

    • Reply Sarah November 15, 2018 at 11:14 AM

      Hi Sarah! Thanks so much for your feedback. I don’t have any podcasts or videos YET.. but hoping to have some in the future. When I do, I’ll let you know. I would advise signing up to the newsletter though, as I provide exclusive content that will help in your healing journey, as well as information on an upcoming webinar. For now, here is a link to a free healing tool that might interest you! http://www.riseaboveliving.com/121-2/

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