3 Ways on How to Kick your Tough Emotions to the Curb

April 18, 2017

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Irritable? By using 3 of my favourite tools, say good-bye to tough emotions and finally find some peace!

And it begins… 

OMG, why is my husband so annoying?! Why is my kid so annoying? Why is the lady at the pool so annoying? Oh wait… maybe it’s not them that’s the problem. Crap. Here I go again…. 

One of the challenges of being a “sensi” is that because we are sensitive to our own emotions and others, things can often overwhelm us. This can also mean that on our bad days we can turn into a hot head due to an overload of irritating triggers – or, a basket-case, due to saddening triggers.  

One of my main struggles is taking things personally and needing things to be a certain way to help my anxiety and to feel safe. But I have learned that these are MY problems, not others’. People are doing the best they can, at their level of awareness. They can’t read your mind, or have the capability of knowing or even fulfilling your every need when you need them to. It’s a bummer, I know, but, we got to get it right for ourselves so we don’t cause our emotional storm to surge and drag others with us. 

The 3 Methods

So, you are probably wondering, “How the heck do we do that?” when our emotions are so strong and we feel they are so real? Well, there are actually many ways, but here are the 3 I used today, to get back to my happy place: 

  1. Breathed and breathed some more. I know, obvious right? I am sure you have heard this one but it is sooo true! However, this morning during my flustered and tired state I kicked it up a notch with yoga. Yoga is so awesome because it helps the mind focus on something other than your crazy thoughts. You can focus on your breath, a chant or how good that stretch feels! And you don’t have to be a “yogi” or an athletic person- you can benefit no matter who you are.
  2. Went beyond my comfort zone and had some water fun with my 1 year old. I know not everyone believes in astrology and quite frankly, not sure if I do either, ha! But, my daughter and I are water signs and being in water seems to help get our Zen back. Not to mention, doing something lighthearted and fun always allows a release of negative tension. Point is, get in touch with the elements (preferably outdoors) and have some fun!
  3. Got it all down on paper and became aware that these are just thoughts! Not me! After the above activities I didn’t feel burdened with emotions anymore BUT, my mind was still trying to suck me into a negative thought pattern. So, my cure for this was to write about it!  Remember, your true self is the awareness of your thoughts, not the thoughts themselves! Once you can detach from them, your ego lets go of its tight grip, because it is not identifying with the thoughts or issue anymore. This activity also helps when I go into “beating myself up” mode for the not-so-nice things I did or said in the heat of the moment. It allows for me to forgive myself quicker, release the negative charges, learn from my mistakes and be a more positive person the next time (and lessen “next times”).

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxious? Irritable? By using 3 of my favourite tools, say good-bye to tough emotions and finally find some peace!

But what if I don’t have time for these long-ish methods? 

OK, I get that you may have a hectic schedule and therefore, don’t have the time to pause and do these tasks to get your emotions under control. However, you DO have the time. Even if you do a short version of these throughout the day it will help greatly. For instance, at work, use your breaks or bathroom breaks to really take those slow deep breaths. Or, go for a short walk on your lunch, or stand outside for a couple minutes and look up to the sky. To lighten up, draw a funny cartoon about the situation, or play some cards on your break: whatever you fancy that helps you feel like a fun-loving kid again. For the 3rd method, even if you can only find a crayon and a napkin, write down those feelings: point form if you have to! 

You Matter and…. 

Your emotional well-being matters! Not only for yourself, but for the people you love, don’t love and don’t even know! It is essential that you make it priority when you are seeking to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. 

If these methods don’t seem to be working for you, I have plenty more up my sleeve that will. Be sure to sign up to our newsletter for effective strategies to control, release and be free of those emotions! Also, feel free to let me know how you deal with emotional overload, in the comments below or shoot me an e-mail at sarah@riseaboveliving.com

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